At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul
60s Cult
1h 22m
1964 • Brazil • Directed by José Mojica Marins
Once seen, never forgotten! Zé do Caixão (Coffin Joe) makes his screen debut in José Mojica Marins’ At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul, the first Brazilian-produced horror film.
Zé do Caixão is an undertaker in a small Brazilian town, searching for the perfect woman to bear him a superior child. Unable to conceive with his wife, he kills her and sets out to find someone else. Nothing and no-one will get in his way of his quest to propagate his bloodline and Zé’s only chance at immortality!
Writer, director and star José Mojica Marins made such an indelible impression as Zé do Caixão/Coffin Joe that their names became synonymous, defying military dictatorship and religious censorship to be embraced as Brazil’s national Boogeyman. Newly restored with a wealth of new and archival extras, it’s never looked better!
Up Next in 60s Cult
Bandidos (Italian version)
1967 • Italy • Directed by Massimo Dallamano
Massimo Dallamano (What Have You Done to Solange?, Colt 38 Special Squad), cinematographer of the first two instalments in Sergio Leone’s “Dollars” trilogy, steps into the director’s chair for the first time with Bandidos, an action-packed and visual...
Black Test Car
Japanese maverick director Yasuzo Masumura (Blind Beast) helms a bitingly satirical espionage thriller set in the heart of the Japanese auto industry in his 1962 landmark 'Black Test Car', which launched a series of similarly themed "Black" films. In a bitter, take-no-prisoners corporate war betw...
Blind Beast
1969 • Japan • Directed by Yasuzô Masumura
Blind Beast is a grotesque portrait of the bizarre relationship between a blind sculptor and his captive muse, adapted from a short story from Japan’s foremost master of the macabre, Edogawa Rampo (Horrors of Malformed Men, The Black Lizard, Caterpilla...