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The Psychic

Giallo • 1h 37m

Up Next in Giallo

  • Torso

    1973 • Italy • Directed by Sergio Martino

    A talented and versatile journeyman, director Sergio Martino (The Case of the Scorpion's Tail, Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key) lent his talents to multiple genres across his long and varied career, but is undoubtedly best known for hi...

  • Libido

    1965 • Italy • Directed by Vittorio Salerno and Ernesto Gastaldi

    The screenwriter of classics that include THE STRANGE VICE OF MRS. WARDH, ALL THE COLORS OF THE DARK and TORSO, Ernesto Gastaldi made his directorial debut with one of the most groundbreaking yet underseen gialli of them all: When ...

  • The Night of the Scorpion

    1972 • Spain • Directed by Alfonso Balcázar

    A man brings his new wife to his sinister Spanish mansion, much to the displeasure of his family who also live there. It is then that the sinister happenings start, and it appears a killer might be on the loose trying to cover up the tragic death of wi...