The Psychedelic Priest
Judgement Day
1h 20m
Father John (John Darrell) begins to question his faith after he accidentally ingests some LSD given to him in a cola. Amid images of religious motifs and becomes the Psychedelic Priest. Setting off across America on a journey of self-discovery, he wanders the country and comes across a pretty blonde hippie hitchhiker named Sunny (Carolyn Hall). He gives her a ride and the two decide to hang together, camping out at night, getting high, and generally enjoying life. But when Sunny professes her love for John he rejects the poor girl mercilessly. Originally titled Electric Shades of Grey, The Psychedelic Priest is a real rarity from the tail end of the hippie movement. According to cinematographer (and unbilled co-director) William Grefé, the producer raised the film's budget by promoting trading stamps, and the shooting schedule demanded a certain amount of improvisation. Yet despite these dubious beginnings, The Psychedelic Priest emerges as an interesting and, at times, disturbing film which manages to use its exploitation base to air some not so flattering views on religion and faith. Filmed in 1971 but not released until 2001.