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Laguna Avenue

New Cult • 1h 20m

Up Next in New Cult

  • The Righteous

    2021 • Canada • Directed by Mark O'Brien

    A brooding occult horror with echoes of Bergman and Pasolini, The Righteous insinuates its way beneath the skin by way of an intelligent script, taut direction, and strong performances. Writer and actor Mark O'Brien (Ready or Not) pulls no punches as he c...

  • A Ghost Waits

    2020 · United States · Directed by Adam Stovall

    An ingeniously unique and unpredictable combo of horror, humor and heart, A Ghost Waits is a DIY labor of love years in the making from first-time writer/director Adam Stovall and producer/star MacLeod Andrews.

    Tasked with renovating a neglected ...

  • Hotel Poseidon

    2021 • Belgium • Directed by Stefan Lernous

    David reluctantly pretends to be the manager of Hotel Poseidon, where fungus covers the walls and comments such as “faded glory” and “has seen better times” completely fall short to describe the establishment. He wanders the corridors of his personal O...