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Something Weird



  • Sting of Death

    A group of college students travel south to Florida on spring break with their friend Karen (Valerie Hawkins), whose father, Dr. Richardson, is a marine biologist currently studying jellyfish. At the party, Karen's friends insult and ridicule Dr. Richardson's assistant, Egon, who is in love with ...

  • Vampyres

    A duo of blood-hungry female vampires prowls the British countryside, from where they lure unsuspecting male motorists back to their imposing, dilapidated mansion for draining... in more ways than one.

  • The Wizard of Gore

    Behold, the great Montag the Magnificent! His fiendish magic tricks will make you shiver with fear and recoil in disgust. But are his gruesome on-stage antics - which entail the graphic slicing-and-dicing of nubile young woman with various implements - really just simple sleight-of-hand, or is so...