Ravenous Cannibals
It looks like meat's back on the menu!
Fasten your napkin securely around your neck, sharpen your carving knife and take a nice big juicy bite out of this collection of cannibalistic flicks sure to fill any tummies rumbling for gore, savagery and man-eating mayhem!
2009 • United States • Directed by Andrew van den Houten
Against the backdrop of grisly murders and child abductions, a clan of cannibalistic savages which plague the North-east Coast since 1858, is after an unsuspecting family and their innocent baby girl. Do they have what it takes to survive?
The Four of the Apocalypse (Italian version)
1975 • Italy • Directed by Lucio Fulci
Fabio Testi (What Have You Done to Solange?) and Tomas Milian (Don't Torture a Duckling) star in Lucio Fulci's Four of the Apocalypse (1975), in which a quartet of misfits go from sharing the same jail cell to embarking on a savage odyssey that will lead to...
The Woman
Almost a decade after Lucky McKee burst upon the indie horror scene and became a 'Master of Horror' in the making thanks to his directorial debut May, he teamed up with legendary cult author Jack Ketchum for his most shocking and brutal film to date: The Woman, an instant cause célèbre on its Sun...
The Hills Have Eyes Part 2
1984 • United States • Directed by Wes Craven
The hills are once again alive with the sound of screaming in Wes Craven's hugely entertaining follow-up to his own groundbreaking 1977 'The Hills Have Eyes'. A motocross team on their way to trial a new super-fuel head out across the desert lead by ...
Trapped Alive
1988 • United States • Directed by Leszek Burzynski
Genre regular Cameron Mitchell (The Toolbox Murders, From a Whisper to a Scream) stars in this thrilling tale of escaped hoodlums and underground-dwelling cannibals from director Leszek Burzynski and Hellraiser producer Christopher Webster.
Microwave Massacre
1983 • United States • Directed by Wayne Berwick
They came for dinner... to find they were it!! Microwave Massacre Jackie Vernon as Donald, a disgruntled construction worker whose wife's predilection for haute cuisine drives him to cannibalism. One night, he bludgeons his better half to death wi...
Malatesta's Carnival of Blood
1973 • United States • Directed by Christopher Speeth
You'll Shriek With Horror! Roll up, roll up! Step right up for Malatesta’s Carnival of Blood – the grisliest, freakiest show in town! Virtually impossible to find until its revival on DVD in the early 2000’s, this 1973 cult oddity, from one-t...