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The Initiation

The Initiation

1984 • United States • Directed by Larry Stewart

Kelly is looking forward to her sorority initiation with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. She's got every reason to be anxious considering the prank her sorority sisters have tasked her with: a late-night break-in at her father's department store. At first everything goes to plan, but once inside the labyrinthine mall, Kelly and her fellow pledges find themselves locked in, and they're not alone. Who is the stranger stalking Kelly and her randy teen friends through the department stores shadowy corridors? And how is this unseen assailant connected with Kelly's terrible recurring nightmares of a man burning in agony?

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The Initiation
  • The Initiation

    1984 • United States • Directed by Larry Stewart

    Kelly is looking forward to her sorority initiation with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. She's got every reason to be anxious considering the prank her sorority sisters have tasked her with: a late-night break-in at her father's departme...