Laguna Avenue
Killer Tech
1h 20m
2021 • United States • Directed by David Buchanan
Welcome to Laguna Ave. Russell lives in the big house split into apartments on the corner. It’s full of weirdos but everyone is really nice and we like to all hang out and have drinks on the lawn. Except for this one guy, Gary. He’s a bit… off, and Russell used to swear he was making all kinds of noise down in the basement apartment at all hours. Anyway, those two have been spending a lot of time together lately and I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Russell has got this, like, big robot hand and maybe some kind of psychokinetic power now? But we’re sure it’s fine and Russell will figure his way out of the cybernetic paranoid conspiracy spiral that Gary has led him down any day now. So, yeah, welcome to the neighbourhood!
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