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  • Shock

    1977 • Italy • Directed by Mario Bava

    In a career spanning four decades and encompassing virtually every genre under the sun, Mario Bava inspired multiple generations of filmmakers, from Dario Argento to Martin Scorsese and Tim Burton. Best remembered for his gothic horror movies, for his final ...

  • Something Weird

    1967 • United States • Directed by Herschell Gordon Lewis

    An extraordinary journey into the unknown awaits you. The unimaginably weird, dark universe of ESP—extra-sensory perception—crashes into the mysterious depths of black witchcraft in a strange and mysterious motion picture unlike any you'v...

  • Sting of Death

    A group of college students travel south to Florida on spring break with their friend Karen (Valerie Hawkins), whose father, Dr. Richardson, is a marine biologist currently studying jellyfish. At the party, Karen's friends insult and ridicule Dr. Richardson's assistant, Egon, who is in love with ...